Can You Build Muscle Without Carbs? - Balancedhealthgreen.

Can You Build Muscle Without Carbs

Can you build muscle without carbs? 

Let's try an experiment and find out. Take 8 pounds of muscle and decide to get it on your back with your knees up. Do not put on any type of body suit.

Sit at the bottom of a rope climb and look up. Now take off your climbing shoes and let them fall down the rope. Do not move for 30 minutes. 

Now lift yourself with the arms and legs like a wild monkey and pull yourself up. You are now building muscle but you are not consuming any carbs! That is one way of building muscle without carbs.

But can you build more muscle without any carbs?

First of all, why do I ask you can get more without any carbs? 

- Because you can build muscle without any carbs. 

Muscle fibers have different markers. If you have a high level of activity, especially muscle activity, then you have a high level of glycogen in the muscle cells. 

This is the muscle fiber that is not used for muscle purposes. Instead the muscle cell uses the muscle fibers that are normally used for regular activity. 

In other words, the muscle fiber that is normally used for lifting up your hips, back, and shoulders is not used for lifting up the weight, building muscle.

Secondly, I would add that you don't have to have the huge muscles to get big. 

That's a good thing because muscle size is not really important for building muscle but muscle strength is important. 

How many calories are needed to build muscle strength? 

I would tell you that muscle strength is not measured in pounds. In fact, this type of strength is measured in ounces. 

The measurements are in increments of 10 pounds. In other words, if you are strong in ounces, that means you can build muscle at a rate of 10 ounces per week.

Now, let's say you want to build muscle strength more than 10 ounces per week. That is still a good goal because most people could do that. 

But then you need to give your muscle fibers an alternative fuel. In other words, the muscle fibers cannot run on carbs alone. It would be impossible. 

You will build muscle strength if you consume a small amount of carbs every day. This is why I tell people to not do crazy diets. That's why I don't recommend the whole grain diet.

I also want to talk a little bit about protein. You should think of protein as a supplement to the carbs. 

Because without the carbs, the muscle fibers cannot build muscle. Without the protein, the muscle fibers cannot build muscle strength. 

Without the muscle strength, the muscle fibers can't build muscle. So you need a supplement. To think of protein as a supplement to the carbs is good. 

If you think of protein as your main fuel for muscle, you will starve your muscle fibers. That is a bad thing. 

The best thing is to get the proper amount of carbs but also get the correct amount of protein. You need to feed the muscle cells protein that is necessary for building muscle. 

Now I can give you some examples of why you should not give your muscle cells an unlimited amount of carbs?

- Because the muscle cells can only survive if they are fueled by carbs.

Muscle cells can only sustain a low level of carbs for 20 minutes. If you give a muscle cell an unlimited amount of carbs, the muscle cells will eventually start starving. 

If the muscle cells are starving, the muscle fibers will start breaking down. Eventually the muscle cells will build muscle. 

However, you don't want to starve the muscle cells because then you will build muscle but you will have a weak muscle structure. In other words, you will build muscle but not build muscle strength.

You can build muscle strength but you will have a weak muscle structure. You will have muscle fibers but you will not have a muscular structure. 

Instead you will have a muscle structure that can stretch up your back but you will not have a muscle structure that can build muscle muscle.

By the way, the muscle structure is actually built in muscle fibers. If you build muscle fibers, the muscle structure is built in muscle fibers. 

If you build muscle strength and muscle structure, it is built in muscle fibers but it is not built in muscle fibers alone. 

It is not built in muscle fibers because it has muscles. 

In other words, the muscle structure is built in muscle fibers but it is not built in muscle fibers alone. 

That's why you have to build muscle without carbohydrates. That's why muscle building is not about changing your muscle structure. 

You have to change your muscle strength. So muscle building without carbohydrates is a great goal. 

The best way to build muscle strength without any carbs is to build muscle strength without carbohydrates.

How many times do you want to build muscle strength?


If you want to build muscle strength once per week, do five exercises for 30 minutes each. 

Let's say you are doing five exercises for 30 minutes each and you want to build muscle strength of five pounds, it's not a lot. 

You will build muscle strength up to about 5 pounds per week but you will not build muscle strength.

And of course, muscle strength will build muscle structure but you will build muscle  structure without carbohydrates and also muscle strength.

That's why muscle building without carbohydrates is a great goal.


Yes, You can Build Muscle without carbs. Just follow the tips which are provided above and you are ready to build muscle without any carbs.
